Add UAP's, multi-verses and parallel universes to everything else that'g going on and things become even more confusing! Excellent video on this by credible people - a true investigative journalist.
I am completing a five book science fiction series which focuses on climate change and also on the kind of energy we need available right now in order to advance. It also rips into late stage capitalism.
Someone out there has the key, whether its zero point or some other non-fossil fuel based energy which we can easily access. The question is how do we get it, would the fossil fuel industry allow it, and once we get it would it reside in the hands a few greedy capitalists? Perhaps we've already back-engineered it and its with Northrup Grumman or Lockeed Martin of DARPA? Did you know DARPA has developed most of our high tech and bio science?
Great article. In the world I create Thwaites has gone and we are left dealing with the results and they aren't pretty for most people. However in a parallel universe Tesla came along and their government went with him unlike ours. As for South Florida - well does De Santis live there?