Agreed one hundred percent. I' m sure you're aware of Andrew Tanner who writes on Medium - he has come up with a great system for splitting apart into regions.
How does this happen? I believe the blue state governors could call together a convention because they have the economic power to do so. They can point out they provide the majority of taxes to the federal government and have the highest GDPs. That the current system of governance at the federal level doesn't work because the Senate represents blue taxation without proper representation. Blue States provide the feds with most of the money that is then funneled by the Senate to red states where the citizens of blue states have no representation. For instance North and South Dakota have four senators for their 1.6 million population, whereas California has 2 Senators for their 39 million population.
On top of that theocratically-based cultural policies and laws are passed down by a biased legal system to majoritarian states. An example would be the gun laws New York State passed that the Supreme Court then trashed.
The. motto should be going forward - no federal taxation without proper representation. A kind of Boston tea party slogan. As I see it it's exactly the same as when the British government levied taxes from Americans and they had no proper say in their own governance.. Not quite the same, but let's say we blue states have insufficient representation at the federal level based on the share of taxes we pay.
Fingers crossed some savvy group of blue governors realizes where the power lies, and uses it to peacefully and rationally lay out the rules for our future divorce before it devolves into violence.