As a science fiction writer I’m intrigued with this theory you explain so very well above.
I quote from the following article called WTF is zero point energy — by Neil V. Patel.
“There have been many different groups that pitched different ideas, but perhaps the most reasonable findings have come out of NASA’s Eagleworks Laboratories, which claims to have successfully tested a Quantum Vacuum Plasma Thruster. This “Q-thruster”, as outlined by a study that passed peer-review last year, takes advantage of the Casimir effect to create propulsion. In such a device, thrust is created using particles pushing off a vacuum. Nevertheless, it’s not quite clear whether this could work in a real, applicable setting — nor can the paper’s authors dismiss concerns about experimental errors. Many more trials and rounds of validation would be needed to really illustrate that a Q-thruster is viable.”
As you know Tesla among others advanced the idea of ether and this is what Patel discusses in this article.
I take an interest in this subject because of climate change, and our urgent need to find an energy source that is in harmony with the Earth. Also within the context of recent UFO visits confirmed by the US Navy— how are they getting here and WTF physics are they using to do it? I do believe telepathy and consciousness has a place in all of this but I haven’t figured that out yet. Telepathy-use of the warp bubble and zero-point?
I like what Patel goes on to say:
“It’s a bit strange to think that centuries after the idea of an “ether” permeating through the world was debunked, physics has come around to say that perhaps there is a universal energy stuck in the empty space all over. It would be a mighty grand thing to find ourselves grasping at that vacuum for an unheralded amount of energy.
But that’s all pretty far away from humanity’s reach for now. For the foreseeable future, it’s probably best to continue banking on solar and wind as acceptable sources of energy, no?”
Question will the visitors help us get it in time to save our Earth…no answer yet but I’m asking and writing! Stay tuned for books 2 and 3 in my series! Oh and I do use both the warp bubble and ether to get my people from one place to another!