Dear Blue State Governors, you are the only hope we have of keeping our nation together. You must take a leadership position because the Democratic Party and the politicians in DC have abrogated theirs.
I do not see there is any way that the current Federation of States held together under an archaic Constitution can hold. My hope is therefore you get together and create a modern-day Federation of States, which is truly representative of most of the population in the United States of America.
For instance how can North and South Dakota (population 1.6 million) have four Senators and California (population 39 million) only have two Senators?
Most of our population with the highest GDP live in cities in blue states or in blue city enclaves in red states, and vote for the Democratic Party. We clearly currently have a minority governing a majority. One of the the main problems is we have taxation (my taxes from my blue state of CT) supporting red states who enact policies like banning abortion and allowing military weapons to run amok, neither of which represent the majority of voters in my state.
In my mind this is like the Boston Tea Party where colonists paid taxes to the British government. It's called taxation without representation.
The Supreme Court and its political appointees, who enacted the overturning of Roe, is only one symptom of an underlying cancer which is metastasizing. That cancer is minority government. I believe that unless Blue State Governors are willing to call the system out, states will fight states.
If Texas sues Massachusetts who will decide. Will you allow a highly politicized Supreme Court to do so? A court without any legitimacy or means of enforcement. Will you allow a federal government which does not represent most of your citizens to impose its will on the citizens of your state, the majority of whom vote Democratic?
I wish a discussion of this kind could be initiated by the Democratic Party. However it does not have the power. You group of governors however do. Please act before it is too late to create a vibrant, healthy, functional democracy.
I know we can do it.
If you are reading this, please send something like this to your State Governor. I'm going to send one to mine.