Don’t forget 3.7million more Americans voted for Biden. Most Americans don’t want Trump. We are living under a Constitution put together by a bunch of racist white men who wanted to protect themselves. The specter of socialism raised successfully by Republicans made most Americans forget they live under a form of socialism, ergo Medicare and Social Security.
Now the real work begins, we have to modernize the Constitution and our democracy. That’s the hard long range work to be done here.
The masses also unfortunately have the human brain mechanism that loves cult leaders, and who will follow the pied piper even over the cliff! They also have the Roman’s desire to see others ripped apart by lions as they cheer from the stands.
A lot to overcome but those of us who believe in the possibility of our species must never stop trying! The long term goal is attack racism, sexism and patriarchy. And of course climate change, or none of this will matter much as we will all go over the fxxxx cliff!
I am a woman and I know how hard I fight everyday for respect and equality.
Onwards the fight has just begun!