Excellent article. It is as important to share the same values with a partner as it is to be financially independent of them. I have two girls and I’ve raised them to be intellectually curious and financially independent. This has allowed them to choose partners with whom they share the same values, and to make and correct mistakes in the partners they choose.
I believe it’s critical for young women in today’s world to be raised to be financially independent and to be taught to clearly identify what their cultural and moral values are, separate to those of their parents.
Many Republicans have for the past twenty years or so demonstrated that their humanity is slipping. They’re addicted to systems of belief that have nothing to do with the growth and health of our planet or our species or our children.
My serious recommendation is that they be treated like drug addicts and be given a dose of psilocybin.
I often wonder how Trump and his boys would come out if they went through a treatment like this?
In my own defence I have never taken this drug nor any other drugs— but I don’t need to, to know that the values that are being promoted by the current white male criminals in the White House, will destroy our planet and us.
These women are the future. Hang in there my female friends, we need you desperately and we need your votes as well to rid our world of the sickness of Trump that is overtaking it.
How about giving your husbands a cup of psilocybin tea (smile) to enable total recovery and connection to a larger universe.