Excellent article.
The world as we know it is on the cusp of some amazing discoveries coming to us through science and physics. We might also be about to witness a massive meltdown due to climate change.
Last night I saw a string of 12 unidentified lights passing our house in formation over the Caribbean Sea. My husband who is not at all interested in unidentified flying objects was stunned. They disappeared as fast as they were seen by us. There is no plausible explanation for what they were, where they came from, and how they moved the way they did.
If we are indeed the observers of a fractal universe, creating material reality through observation, we can assume there are others who may operate differently. How about the idea of mirror universes or brane worlds? All these proven theories unfortunately now only reside in the world of quantum physics, inacessible to the general public.
Once many of these mathematical concepts become generally known however, and we start to understand and accept the geometric complexity of our universe, and the fact that we’re not top dog in it and never were, I fear greatly for the conservative mind. Will it shatter or find a way to adapt? Will they blame the libtards for it all? How will they re-align their sense of static personal identity with a whole new world that is surely coming, and has many ways of being in it? Are any of us ready?