Hello — being a science fiction writer involved in a four part book series that deals with climate change as a main protagonist, and having researched the subject extensively I believe, like you, the consequences will be dire. If some of us take what we know of science and technology and put it to good use, and create the kind of living spaces on Earth now currently needed on Mars, we could go on.
I am also interested in the UFO UAP phenomenon so I try and weave these two subjects together. If they’re around and have been for millions of years, then they went through Fermi’s filter. This means should they be so inclined, once the big die off happens, they could be useful depending on whether they’re the good, bad or the ugly. I also believe they’re highly skilled geneticists. Since we now know a lot more about the probabilities available in the field of bio engineering and quantum physics, it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility anymore.