Here’s a poem I wrote eight years ago.
If I were to die today like them
how would I feel about my life?
If I were to get hit by a car
or crash in a plane
or drop dead of a heart attack
how would I feel about the way I had lived?
If I didn’t kiss my children goodbye
and never came home,
gave my husband a perfunctory nod
as he walked out the door and
never told him I love you?
Would I regret that I never went to church
to pray to a god who
I thought was just or unjust,
a god who I thought could
save me from myself
from my own actions?
If I were to die today
would I feel that I had cared enough
about all the people who weren’t as lucky as me?
Had I cared enough about
those who lost children or lovers
or were old and unwanted?
If I were to die today would I believe
I had done everything I could till not
one ounce of energy remained,
till I lay down at night exhausted because
I had given everything I had,
and when I woke up
would I still have hope that I could do more?
That’s how I feel about dying
I don’t pray to god to forgive me
I don’t think I or my loved ones are special
Or that our lives are worth
any more than all the others of us who have lived,
or that my beliefs are right and because of that
somehow my god will save me a place in heaven.
What I know is that this human race
is special because we are free to choose
to hope and to love
to move forward and to never stop.
Even when the atoms and particles that are me
reform in some unknown universe
human or other,
I pray that they will still know that it is hope
which keeps consciousness carrying on
and that I must never give up
or forget what it means to love.