Hi Ella:
I read your articles with interest being a lover of science fiction and also a writer of it. My latest theory is that there are plenty of ET’s around, however they prefer limited contact.
Now if we go way back in myth and history they certainly made contact with us then, because we didn’t have the advanced weaponry we now have to take them out. We believed they were gods and goddesses.
I believe our military knows they’re around however and has re-engineered a few of their craft that have crashed here. They also are pursuing them with vigor in order to get and weaponize their advanced technology — but they’re far too smart and fast for what we’ve currently built here to catch them. (Our technology is farther along than people believe however — read Sekret Machines by Tom DeLonge).
Ethically, based on our industrial capitalist societies, we’re terribly primitive. Before we find advanced species of aliens who want to meet us, we’ll have to change a lot about ourselves. Also if they want to wipe us out it would be like taking candy from a baby. We’re hardly worth their time.
If you read The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace Wells however, you’ll know what the near future holds for our planet and humanity, and then after reading that, my books will extrapolate it out even further, including getting the Dyson Sphere (great comment below). First one called The Burning Years published in 2017, and the other three or four currently in research and development.