I am now convinced that the god we follow is based on a number of "gods" - probably a more advanced interplanetary species - who took up residence on this planet hundreds of thousands of years ago, possibly created us, and then left. Unfortunately we have their genetic tendency to annihilation and violence. These so-called gods had no god of their own, rather their religion was astrology based on a star chart they'd created and followed.
I believe nature is based on an intricate mathematical formula that our brains allow us to interpret because, as an integral part of this complex system, we can. As for where it all began - who knows. It's all just speculation.
I believe Jesus was an outstanding revolutionary, of which there have been many. One who believed in advancing human civilization and society.
I hope transhumanism doesn't lead us away from our senses and our sentient physical being. If we continue to destroy our habitat without a sensible plan for how we might survive such destruction, our physical bodies won't survive.
I've spent the last ten years writing a series of fictional novels of how we might do that. It'll be published by a UK publisher this year and next.
I for one certainly don't wish my grandchildren to loose contact with nature, something that is both magnificent in its order and beauty, and fearsome in its unpredictability. In fact continued connection with what we call nature is the only thing which gives me hope. Happy Earth Day!