I am sure the "I'm a macho macho man" males who support him, and enjoy humiliating and denigrating women, were delighted with this sophomoric post. So hard for these guys to understand the brilliance and courage of these two women who against all odds, and solely on the strength of their educational and professional accomplishments, broke the glass ceiling. I'm in Hilary's generation so I remember when women couldn't get their own credit cards and couldn't take part in sports. and as for aspiring to be President that wasn't even in the cards.
Now I look at my two beautiful granddaughters and know that because of women like Hilary and Kamala, female progress in all walks of society including political leadership will continue (thank you Nancy Pelosi). Let's hope our example in the US and those in other Western European countries is a shining beacon for women in Iran, Afghanistan, China and Russia, whose aspirations are still being crushed.