I believe the trial has enabled a concise and clear picture to emerge of what took place and Trump's involvement in it. It's now all collected in a verbal and visual representation of proven history that we will have as a clear record for as long as our civilization survives.
We have testimony, video and Trump's own words in his tweets, collected into one breathtaking archive. Now any history teacher in any school in any part of the country can call up the facts and present them to their students.
The defendents in this murderous riot will be able to draw on all of this quite easily as they mount their defense. Perhaps many of them will file civil lawsuits for damages against Trump. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Additionally this whole story needs to be presented in a Museum exhibit in Congress not brushed under the rug. School children who visit must know every detail about it.
If Trump dares to build a Presidential Library this must stand as testimony against it.