Felicity Harley
2 min readDec 18, 2018


I clapped also and I will say you’ve got it about right. Our planet cannot create the energy needed to support the lifestyles we all espose to. It will only eventually create enough energy for the rich to live underground once the planet is to hot to inhabit, and most of those without resources have died painful, slow deaths.

I am a science fiction writer who like the author of this article have researched this subject on many levels, scientific, economic, and political, and extrapolated my book series from such. What we rebuild after climate change, which will occur based on fossil fuel use and production will ruin our planet and is now in production in books 2 and 3, yet to be published (working on interrelated drafts one book broken into two.)

Three links are relevant to this discussion below. One isto American War a brilliant and prescient novel which will describe what takes place before my book kicks in, and one to my book where the survivors of climate change in the US are already living underground — it’s exactly as described in this very informative article in Science Alert.

As a science fiction writer I guess one takes on the mantle of sounding the alarm, and then sometimes as we all know, turn out to be prophets of the future.




Felicity Harley

writer. student of the human condition & psyche. grounded by family, garden and good wine.