I feel your pain. This is beautifully written. I recommend you read this:
I find myself welcoming climate change on a massive scale. I believe that will be the solution you speak of, because it will burn the wardrobe down. I wish it did not have to be so, given the immense suffering it will cause to the whole biological world as a result, but as Harari said, until we face our biggest villain human stupidity, we’re on the path to:
- Nuclear devastation
- The effects of manmade climate change
- Unregulated global development of AI and bio engineering (Harari imagines that the rich will create a race of super beings in the future by altering themselves genertically. He also predicts that advertizers and governments will be able to hack into our feelings and further manipulate us creating Huxley’s Brave New World.)
Once the major effects of two of these future devastating, self-destructive, probabilities are over in hundreds of years, if any of us are left, we can start to imagine something different. So my hope is that a burning of the wardrobe event will in fact take place.
Unfortunately the third probability will continue us on the path you describe so bleakly and so well above, and is in my mind the most dangerous path of all.