I love this. I am recently a science fiction novelist trying to put all these ideas into plot, character and dialogue. Quite challenging as you can imagine! It's so far taken me eight years to write my four book series. Just in the final stages of editing. I had written other books before including short stories and poetry. I didn't know much about physics but once I cracked that door I couldn't shut it.
The fourth book in my series, My Quantum Life began the whole writing adventure. I began it after I'd read Michael Talbot's book on the holographic universe. That led me to Bohm and so many others.
The first three books in the series were written after the fourth and are to do with climate change, bio-engineering and a Glactic Federation. I wanted to use these other three books to lead readers into the fourth. book, which had the most complex style and ideas of all. It explores the world of quantum physics through a series of make believe characters who travel through time.
Anyway your piece is an excellent synthesis of so many great philosophers. Most enlightening - thank you!