I really enjoy your articles and this was excellent. You laid out the problem very well. I am in favor of an EU approach to the United States. The US is far to big to have a federal government. With each State, town and county government attending to it’s citizen’s needs, we would fare far better and so would our citizens. An example of blatant overreach is the Federal Government telling California it cannot control it’s own emissions.
Using a free market approach I believe the States which implemented the best and healthiest options for it’s citizens would attract larger populations and would thrive on larger tax bases. Look at the amount of money Warren and Sanders raised through small donations from people who believe in making a better life for everyone not just for themselves.
How about this for how the feds operate in the future and the new Constitution:
The Constitution brings together the US Member States into a single market, referred to as the “Internal Market”.
The Constitution brings together the US Member States into an agreement to defend each other against outside agression.
The Constitution brings together the US Member States into an agreement to protect the environment.
Outside of that let the States implement laws and programs that attract residents to their vision of opportunities and quality of life. Freedom of movement without passports would allow citizens to make choices about which State they wish to live in.
I live in CT and I’m staying here — love our Governor, Senators and Reps! States that are free to implement laws that only allow public money to support elections. If they don’t you bet the profiteers, John Roberts’s buddies on the Supreme Court, and Trump’s family of carpet baggers will be right in there.
For instance the evangelicals could all live together and put their religious beliefs at the forefront of their lifestyles and laws. Put their money where their ideological beliefs and their loud mouths are, and keep them out of my life.
Those of us who believe in helping immigrants, not separating mothers from children in the most brutal way possible, pouring poison into our environment, giving ridiculous tax breaks to the rich, could work together to make a series of great States that adopt as their motto service to others rather than service to self.
I am fed up with a Congress that doesn’t work, an Executive Branch that doesn’t represent the majority of citizens, and a Supreme Court that is politically biased.
Trump, Barr, Pompeo, Ryan, Kushner and McConnell and Lindsey Graham can all go and live in the States whose citizens support them and put their policies to work there. They can have Fox News on day and night on massive TV screens filling the heads of their children with lies and propoganda. The majority of citizens in those States seem to believe, want and like these criminals, and as far as I’m concerned they can have them!
Sorry Trump New York State isn’t an option for you -go live in Florida till it goes underwater. Then I’d recommend taking Trump Tower and Mar a Lago to Kentucky, South Carolina, Alabama, Missouri and Georgia. And let the trumpets of the so-called righteous religious right bring it tumbling down if they want to.