I think you should stick to your excellent argument for the break up of the US. Blaming Biden for a political system which is rotten to its core is not helpful. How about De Santis - he's gerrymandered Florida into possibly swaying the balance of the US Congress. A judge in Florida just made health policy for the whole country. The system is trashed, broken and useless. I personally don't want Florida and De Santis running the US - do you? He hasn't been elected President...yet. Let's hope Disney goes after him. Battle of the empires.
I would love to see the blue governors calling a Congress together where they made a case for revamping the whole system. Blue states are the economic drivers of this country and hold the majority of voters. Biden can't do a damn thing when the Republicans call all the shots in the Senate and two Democratic Senators won't vote for his agenda. We don't have a democracy we have an unfair, biased system that is outdated and failing. Why doesn't Bernie call the system for what it is. Let's be honest he nor a Simon Bolivar himself wouldn't be able to pass anything through this Senate either.
As for allowing faith-based beliefs which have no basis in empirical reality anywhere near our political system - that has to stop immediately. Keep your personal ideas of god out of my life please.
Centralized governments need to confine themselves to national defense, infrastructure, economic growth, and environment and health policies. They need to keep their nose out of social and cultural issues which are based on a set o fbeliefs and ideologies and not on scientific fact.
I like your idea very much of centralized regions, but even better a loose EU-like federation. I think if there are groups of people who want to live in Florida and Tennessee with their regressive laws and evangelical ideas then they should be allowed to do so. Thank god we and our families all live in rational blue states with governors who are practical and make laws and policies based on economic and scientific reality.
In our current system the key will be Texas. If that goes blue, it might save the country.