In my speculative/science fiction book The Burning Years I send a group of settlers off to Europa and Proxima Centauri b. Once of the main themes of the book however concerns humanity and how primitive our civilization is. This has been amply demonstrated by the current thugs who are leading our country. And I might add many others around the world. Is our underdeveloped species and our dirty laundry really who and what we want to take elsewhere? And should we want to?
Clearly others from either intra or inter dimensional space have reached us and are acting as quiet observers of our lunacy. I do believe they have the technology we are searching for to travel faster than the speed of light, but there isn’t a chance they’ll share it with us until we join the grown ups club. A subject I explore in books two and three which are currently in production.
The key questions now are:
Will we blow ourselves up with nuclear weapons and destroy our civilization before we colonize the galaxy?
Will we destroy our earth/habitat through excessive use of fossil fuels before we develop the technology to colonize Mars. Qatar is now air conditioning the outside, and adding to the problem. This strategy of insane energy waste shows us why we’ll all be living underground in the future. And make no mistake we won’t have sufficient energy to blast cold air into preserving outdoor living in California like Qatar is currently doing. I address this in The Burning Years.
Sadly I am about 90 percent sure the answer is yes to both of the above.
While I might sound cynical I, like Deller write science fiction because it allows me to imagine that the answer is in fact no, and that we wake up and start to behave like an advance species.
I do believe there are many of us here who are way beyond the 101 club of evolution. The question is are their enough of us to cause our species to win the enormous global economic and political battle that is ahead in order to ensure the survival of our species?
Like Neo, Trinity and Morpheus can the enlightened among us free humanity from the Matrix of it’s own stupidity, moving it towards life-affirming choices?