I've been a leftist for fifty years and a socialist for about that long. Political progress where there is a comfortable middle class that adores consumerism unfortunately is really slow. Add to that a working class that enjoys the benefits of Target and Walmart, than you've got a major problem.
Despite all the pain and suffering caused by rampant capitalism, I believe the unavoidable issue of our time is climate change. I switched to sounding that alarm about eight years ago when I started to write novels on the subject, after a full time career in non profits. A lifetime commitment I had made with my husband to work at the program and policy level to help make things better for the disenfranchised.
The most important thing Biden can do is start to seriously work on mitigating the human effects of climate change at the national and global leve. The second thing is expand Obama-care into medicare for all. OC was a tremendous first step and they've fought it tooth and nail. Happy to see the shellacking Trump got last night on this issue.
Then minimum wage and universal basic income to make sure when families work two jobs they can afford housing, food, healthcare and education (minus trips to Walmart and Target to buy consumer products that hurt the environment and are not necessary to living a full and productive life).
I think if you can see your commitment to human rights and socialism, as many of my friends have, as long term you won't be as disillusioned about the present. I have learnt over the span of almost a lifetime that through the anger and disappointment and disgust at the suffering one witness's going on in the world, one has to keep fighting. As they say pick oneself up and do it all over again.
I believe that first if I pay attention to what it is I want, then I move into conscious intention, and finally sprinkle it with a lot of positive personal action, it can work over time.