Let’s start with the holographic universe. If indeed as many notable physicists believe, and I do as well, we are living in a holographic universe and we are the observers in that universe (double slit experiement) then the paranormal like UFO’’s become explicable. (Michael Talbot’s Holographic Universe is a great primer for the non physicist reader of my comments as well as the youtube videos of Leonard Susskind).
Theoretical quantum physics and string theory (Brian Green) have shown us that the universe we live in is much more complicated than we could possibly describe, if we use the limited language and science we have available to us to examine and comment on it.
Theoretically Hawkins has suggested that black holes can provide the power needed for interstellar travel — we’re nowhere near understanding the physics of that, we’re only now just beginning to understand how to travel using nuclear fusion and solar sails within our own solar system.
I’m sure you as a scientist have thought about all of this, and I’d be most interested to know what you think of UFO’s if you take this research into account.
Oumuamua is no longer visible to our telescopes, even in space. But scientists continue to analyze it and crack open more mysteries about this unique interstellar visitor — was it perhaps powered by solar sails and on an observational fly by of Earth?