Mike as always succintly put. I’ve tried to sketch out in my science fiction series how we’re going to make it through climate change. The first published in 2017 is called The Burning Years. While a lot in the book is guess work, much is based on real science. For instance the world may very well look like this map below.
If we want to inhabit the US we’ll have to live underground or under domes, basically in artificial environments rather like Martian colonies are envisioned. We’ve got the science to engineer these communities very well, and I talk about this in my first book. Unfortunately however the rich and educated will be the ones who will benefit and live in them.
If we don’t build alternative environments then it’ll be guns, water and food that take precedence and we’ll revert to tribal societies. Our technology will not survive. Alaska will close it’s borders.
We will use technology in our future if we are wise and start planning now, but it’ll be the kind being developed by Dr. Rachel Armstrong that I describe in my book.
In my book her technology is also used in a multi-generational space craft and on Mars…of course this was the fantasy part. We won’t be able to build anything like my space ship in the time we have left however, or colonize space, because we’ll be dealing with a shit show down here on Earth. But it was fun to think about!
Anyway I’m currently into the next two books. In these a group of friendly aliens give us zero-point and anti-gravity technology. Again not really what will happen but fun to imagine.
The Burning Years however does sketch out in detail how our civilization might survive. In my mind it’s underground cities and domes in the US, and food centers in Alaska and the more Northern climes.
In the books I imagined that capitalism would be challenged by a group of revolutionaries who figure out a whole new way of creating societies on the planet, once it begins to heal.