Once again a great article. I feel as if humans are caught up in giant tidal wave of destruction, at the crest of which is climate change and string theory. How long will this third dimensional materialistic world we live in, and have created last under the stress of the effects of climate change?
Because I've been a political activist all my life I am deeply saddened by the brutal reality you put forth here. You are absolutely right. In the short term you sketch out an almost certain future for America.
in the longer short-term, climate change and weather geo-engineering will add further stress to our broken political system, and push us into national and global warfare. What happens in 2040 when China and India and North Korea decide they're going to change the world's weather to save themselves?
Unfortunately there won't be an alien invasion to help us as some hope, but their will be a public announcement from our government soon of a fifth and sixth dimensional reality, as described in current string theory.
Thus on top of every other existensial crisis we as Americans and humans face, we'll also be forced to confront what this strange phenomena is and what it wants.
I suspect the less cynical of the Evangelical so-called christians will see it as what they call the Rapture! Good luck with that one!