The problem is we have taxation (our taxes from blue states) support red states who enact policies that do not represent us. This is similar to the Boston Tea Party where colonists paid taxes to the British government which did not operate democratically. It's called taxation without representation.
I do not see there is anyway that the current federation under an archaic constitution can hold. My hope is that blue state governors get together and demand a system of federal government which is representative. How can North and South Dakota (population 1.5 million) have four Senators and California (population 39 million) only have four Senators? The majority of our population with the highest GDP live in cities in blue states or in blue city enclaves in red states.
The Supreme Court and its political appointees who enacted the overturning of Roe is only a symptom. Unless the blue governors are willing to call a constitutional convention where the entire system of US government is up for discussion, then I fear you are right. States will fight states and bring out their national guards to protect their citizens and their policies.
I wish there was discussion by the Democratic Party, which is currently being royally screwed that doesn't nibble around the edges.
We do not have a democracy, we have taxation without representation and we have rule of the minority. That is the disease, it is the cancer and it is spreading. Roe is merely a cancerous lump among many.