The system is broken, not the players. America does not have a democracy, it has minority government. Doesn't matter who gets elected by the Democrats they'll loose on policy. When the Senate is weighted in favor of a minority of our citizens then no-one will ever be successful in implementing a Sanders-type agenda.
Just think about it, North Dakota has 238,000 people and they get two Senators. California has millions and they get two Senators. Tell me is that a democracy? It's an unfair system that no-one, not even Bernie, can override? Where is Bernie's voice on this saying it loud and clear at every opportunity he has.
Where are the contemporary Simon Bolivar's who are willing to stand up and say that the system is broken and it has to change. This is something Obama could embrace and make it his life's work - but he is no Simon Bolivar (smile).
Why not put it to a national vote like Brexit. How about do you believe we should amend the constitution? Where are the men and women of conviction in America? Look on this below as a metaphor for what needs to happen in the United States of America and happen soon if we aren't going to loose everything we believe in.
"Bolívar’s attack on New Granada is considered one of the most daring in military history. The route of the small army (about 2,500 men, including the British legion) led through the plains, but it was the rainy season, and the rivers had become lakes. For seven days, according to one of Bolívar’s aides, they marched in water up to their waists. Ten navigable rivers were crossed, most of them in cowhide boats. The journey through the plains seemed child’s play, however, in comparison with their ascent of the Andes Mountains that stood between Bolívar and the city of Bogotá. Bolívar had chosen to cross the cordillera at the pass of Pisba, which the Spanish considered an inconceivable approach. An icy wind blew across the heights of the pass, and many of the scantily clad troops died of cold and exposure. The fatigue and loss, however, were more than outweighed by the advantage gained in descending unopposed into New Granada. The Spaniards were taken by surprise, and in the crucial Battle of Boyacá on August 7, 1819, the bulk of the royalist army surrendered to Bolívar. Three days later he entered Bogotá. That action was the turning point in the history of northern South America."