This was as you always do explained brilliantly. I am a novelist who tries to put what you’ve said into plot, characters and hope.
You did not touch on geo-engineering. I would be interested to hear what you have to say on this subject? I believe that DARPA and HARP in the US Defence Department are planning a large program on geo-engineeering as a strategic defence mechanism against climate change. Of course so are similar departments controlled by Russia, China and India. Once this program is fully implemented things will go from bad to worse — think “weather wars.”
The heroine in my book tries to de-activate the systems which control geo-engineering within DARPA in the US. All these efforts to engineer the climate are of course directed to preserve an oil-based economy, and more importantly the privilege and wealth of a small global elite.
I am still figuring out the question of whether in a perfect world, a post-climate change world, humans can embrace a new vision of what it means to be human — retrieving the essence of our existence as beings who, together, have come from, and will inevitably return to, the Earth itself.
I haven’t decided yet whether we are just a greedy, violent species who are inherently savages or beings that can transcend our own biology. Book four in the making here the jury is still out.