Very much enjoyed your article. I've never been attracted to any sort of drug including cigarettes or alcohol. Don't know why but just haven't. No judgements here whatsoever. However I'm extremely attracted to the idea that the reality we live in is Maya. It is not as it seems shall we say.
Our brains have been constructed for evolution and for survival. Thus we are not equipped to understand that the observer creates the physical world in which we live. Our physical bodies must eat to survive and thus they exist in this particular vibrational dimension. Psychedelic's allow us to break the brain's evolutionary and survival programming and experience many different versions of what we call consciousness or reality. Dreams and meditation do the same thing. So for that matter do first-hand experiences with the paranormal, UAPs and off planet visitors.
I truly believe if every human alive could know intimately through the multiple methods I've described, including psychedelics, the extraordinarily beautiful and complex matrix in which our consciousness dwells, our human civilization would change. It is in a terrible state right now and I greatly fear for the survival or our species and our planet.