Well said and on point. I would add that there is a barrier to Republican fascism which will soon overtake our Federal government. Sadly our blue representatives at the federal level do not seem to have the revolutionary spirit to start breaking the rules themselves, or to cry wolf loudly enough.
That barrier I see to a national fascist movement are blue state governors and legislatures. I do believe that if the federal government under the sway of hypocritical Republican politicians and a Republican Supreme Court, start handing down rules to blue states that are contradictory to their own, they will stand up and say no.
When that happens an interesting dilemma will present itself again, similar to the one which occurred in the Civil War - states rights vs the. federal government. Perhaps that is what it will take for the states to come together and re-write the hopelessly out of date US Constitution, which currently governs us and bring it into the modern age.
If this does not happen peacefully, I fear for us all. The amount of guns in private hands here will cause a massive problem for a Republican government which has supported the public owning military style weapons, and then tries to impose minoritarian government on them. A public which they've whipped into a frenzy of hatred against each other. As my mother always said "what goes around comes around."