Well the time has come to think States rights and the break up of the US. The Blue State governors need to get together and negotiate a political settlement with the Federal Government. We are no longer a working democracy since the minority rules the majority.
Any time Republicans get elected to the Federal government they do not represent the majority of citizens in this country. Neither in the Senate nor in the House nor in the Presidency. Democrats have received the majority of the popular vote for years now and that says we are in the majority.
Democrats in the Senate also represent the majority of Americans. As for the House - its been so jerrymandered it doesnt represent the majority of voters either.
We cannot just lie down and accept this hypocracy of a democratic system that isn't. Perhaps Texas and the Supreme Court is the spark that will light the fire.
Congress should have powers limited solely to the international arena and national defense. The Supreme Court should not be able to rule on anything other than international and trade matters.
We must exercise our State's Rights soon expanding them even further or we will all be in deep trouble.
This United States will never, never hold once the blue states realize they hold all the economic cards.
I am now in complete favor of the break up of the US and the formation of a loose Federation of States. We are not united and never will be and we cannot accept minority rule.