What is so bad about the Republican Party is it resembles the communist party of Joseph Stalin. Republicans have let go of their individual consciousness and allowed Trump, like the Russians did with Stalin, to become a tyrant.
How does a party prevent this kind of dictatorship. Rules and constitutions unfortunately are what people make of them. The question is just how much of our individual responsibility are we prepared to delegate to a person or central body? I believe every political party, Democrat or Republican, should be made of up individuals who jealously guard their independent judgement before they devolve into a body of yes-people and abrogate, as many members of the Republican Party have, their personal moral responsibility.
It seems that members of the Republican Party in order to hold onto political power are also encouraging mass social psychosis, such as believing all Democrats are pedophiles and that Trump won the last election. The danger of all this is that when you take into account blatant Republican gerrymandering and a political system which elevates the wishes of the minority in the Senate (Republicans), you flirt with America becoming a gentler version of Stalinist Russia in the early fifties.
The time has come for the governors from Democratic states and the Democratic Party to restore democracy to the United States and the voting rights of the majority of Americans,.
The Republican Party is actively involved in suppressing the rights of people like myself, a registered Democrat, from taking part in a fair Federal system of government.
They are violating my first amendment rights. Neither the Democratic Party, Supreme Court nor the Congress have sufficiently protected the equal value of each of our votes, and by not doing so are undermining the intent of our democracy. I believe Republicans, at the very heart of their strategy, are threatening the future of the union. Blue States will never accept faith-based minority rule, nor should they.
I therefore call on the Democratic Party, of which I am a member, to immediately initiate a legal suit against the State of Florida and others like it, to protect our union and all or our first amendment rights.