When a species is on the brink of extinction a kind of mass psychosis sets in. Just look around the world and you'll see evidence of it from Bolansero in Brazil to King Jong in North Korea - the list is long. Being a science fiction writer following in the steps of many others before me, we ring the warning bell. These writers include Orwell and Bradbury , Butler and Vonnegut. You can add many contemporary writers to this list as well, such as Stanley Robinson, Omar Akkad and Margaret Atwood.
I am also like them ringing the warning bell loudly in my series, Until The Last. You have been ringing it loud and clear for a few years. We're the contemporary prophets and we're crying into the wilderness. No not many of us will make it, and the end for most of us who do not have the privilege of wealth and capital, will be long and painful. However if a few of the enlightened do somehow pull through, let's hope the age of quanta will swiftly dawn. I'm having fun imagining it anyway!